
Tuesday 24 September 2013

Terengganu-Taman Tamadun Islam @ Islamic Civilisation Park

Welcome to TTI

Hye guys,,do you know about Masjid Kristal or Crystal Mosque?.. 

now i'm going to tell you about this wonderful place in Terengganu ..
the Crystal Mosque of Terengganu is the icon of TTI

and the Kuala Terengganu 
city-the waterfront heritage city.
Sitting a top the surface of the
 Terengganu river,this magnificently
 mesmerizing mosque is truly a sight to hold..

with beautifully crafted frosted glass
 windows and meticulouscaligraphy,
it instills in the visitor a sense
 of serenity and peaceful peity..
this  comfortable hall is made even more so as
 it is fully air-condition and equipped 
with modern amenities..

TTI guest house complex is located in the Islamic civilization park ,
Pulau Wan Man, and Kuala Terengganu..
More detail :

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